Our Mission
To help children feel loved and valued.
We accomplish this through a variety of ways: from assigned responsibilities, to simply having personal cups for the year. We constantly engage in activities that encourage each of them to contribute in meaningful ways such as games, cooking, dramatic play, and more.
Throughout the experience we always compliment them on their efforts and encourage exploration. We strive to give them experiences that they will be confounded by, learn from, and never forget.

Everyday Fun!
Kids always want to come back for more
This is a theme-based preschool. It makes preschool so enjoyable to have different themes each week. It helps us, as teachers, feel less redundant and happier about what we’re teaching; and it enriches a child’s life so much, learning about such a variety of things in their world! Even though we take time for academic learning, it is not our only focus.
The Space
We have room to help your kids grow.
We have an incredible space of approx. 2000 sq. feet that includes the entire basement. I have two room-sized closets to store all my toys and supplies (to the great chagrin of my husband) and plenty of open space for the children to move in. I’ve tried to make it homey and inviting to the children, displaying their family photos as they enter the door. We also have our own bathroom. Along with this we utilize the upstairs gourmet kitchen weekly and the theater space on special occasions.

Learning Outcomes
We aim to help children improve their abilities in all of the following subjects.

We use the Handwriting Without Tears approach in teaching the children their letters. I love this system for its hands-on approach to learning. The children use individual chalkboards, magnet boards, and wooden sticks to form letters. Mat Man is introduced in the beginning to familiarize the children with the wooden sticks and mats and a concept of self-image. If you would like to learn more, go to YouTube and watch the video demonstrations.

We strive to give the children a wide variety of small motor experiences during art time: stringing, molding, cutting, gluing, coloring, and painting with different media and materials…even their hands! We love discovering a child who has a fear of touching goopy things, encouraging them to be brave, and then seeing a change slowly occur during the year. Growth MAGIC!! Most children come to preschool thinking that they have no drawing ability. We strive to encourage them and give them practice in drawing everyday objects and people.

Large Movement
Once a week we focus time on P.E. type activities, learning to follow rules and, in turn, develop good sportsmanship and cooperation. Different large motor skills are focused on, along with learning traditional party games. They have repeated opportunities to jump on the trampoline, play with a parachute, walk a beam, play with streamers, somersault, crawl through tunnels, pass balls, and balance beanbags.

I think science is fantastic and we incorporate it into the classroom in a variety of ways. We have live pets on the premises (chickens, rabbit, dog, fish, and earthworms). It’s amazing the growth that can come from just being brave enough to touch an animal that you’re afraid of. We also give the children many opportunities to hypothesize, giving their guess at what will happen, and then follow-through with the actual outcome. Simple science experiments are my favorite, like: lifting an ice cube with a string, insulating ice cream with merengue, and watching raisins bounce up and down in soda.

Reading Readiness
In teaching them their letters, we focus on one letter a week, but discuss them as a whole the entire year. With each letter, they learn some fun facts about a wilderness animal/plant/object that starts with that letter (A-ant, B-bear, C-cattails, etc.) We run through the alphabet flashcards each day, making the sounds and doing an action to pantomime each object. Each child also begins each Tuesday filling-in a page or two of his or her letter-learning workbook before they can run off and play. Occasionally on Thursdays they will print their first and last name on a personal white board, along with their phone #. Throughout our days, they are encouraged to write their own name in most situations, even if it requires some hand holding.

I’m a big believer in the value of music. It lifts our spirits and can make learning and bonding fun and easy. I have yet to develop a piano or guitar-playing talent, but we sing along to CDs or our favorites accapella. We try to sing at least a few songs each day.

Everyone’s favorite! I find cooking an amazing venue for teaching children. They feel valued as they take turns adding ingredients and capable as they create their own dishes. They learn math skills, cutting some recipes in half and doubling others, and in counting the items needed. They learn that things have to be done in a specific order (important to reading readiness) and learn to “read” the recipes. They also learn cooking vocabulary, simple techniques used in recipes, cooking tool names, and different food varieties (i.e. the different forms of a potato-hash browns, mashed, baked, dehydrated, raw). Cooking usually occurs in my upstairs kitchen with just half the group at a time on Tuesdays. The other half stay in the basement for art and then we switch.

To me, math is learned in our everyday experiences in the preschool. Rarely do we pull out math worksheets, although we do focus on counting and number recognition in circle time. When, as a group, we do the calendar, books, and songs, math comes in. Patterning, cooking, art, large movement…so much of it involves math. We teach them many board games and encourage them to play them during free play. These are a tremendous resource in using their math skills. They also LOVE learning to count to ten in Spanish, and I love seeing them rattle them off like they knew them all along!

Field Trips
I generally do two field trips during the year, with the possibility of a mini one thrown in. The Phoenix Zoo has been beneficial in going along with our themes of Desert Animals and reptiles and, of course our African theme. I’d rather visit places that the children may not have been before, though, so I’m always open for new options. We usually take a walk to the farmlands south of us when we have our Old MacDonald theme.
Some photos of our space and the fun activities our kids enjoy.
Thank you for giving me a present of learning and fun and lots of good memories! I love you very much and really like you too! Thanks for not taking away my shoes. I hope you come to my house.
You are so happy at me when I come to preschool. I like to play with you and you teach me letters and things that start with it. That’s all. I love you, Sis. Eck!
I love to cook with you. Thank you for being my teacher.
Thank you so much for making Finley’s first school experience amazing. We will miss you dearly. Thanks for all your hard work and effort!
Tanner has loved preschool so much! You are an amazing teacher with so many fun ways of educating the kids. My husband and I are grateful for all the experiences and memories Tanner is getting in your class.
Our Prices
We try to stay priced competitively while offering an incredible experience for the cost. You can pay the entire year up front, or monthly if that's preferred. Please contact us for up-to-date pricing.